C3 Specification
The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF):
production ::= PRODUCTION_NAME '::=' expression?expression ::= alternative ("|" alternative)*alternative ::= term term*term ::= PRODUCTION_NAME | TOKEN | set | group | option | repetitionset ::= '[' (range | CHAR) (rang | CHAR)* ']'range ::= CHAR '-' CHARgroup ::= '(' expression ')'option ::= expression '?'repetition ::= expression '*'
Productions are expressions constructed from terms and the following operators, in increasing precedence:
| alternation() grouping? option (0 or 1 times)* repetition (0 to n times)
Uppercase production names are used to identify lexical tokens. Non-terminals are in lower case. Lexical tokens are enclosed in single quotes ”.
The form a..b
represents the set of characters from a through b as alternatives.
Source code representation
A program consists of one or more translation units stored in files written in the Unicode character set, stored as a sequence of bytes using the UTF-8 encoding. Except for comments and the contents of character and string literals, all input elements are formed only from the ASCII subset (U+0000 to U+007F) of Unicode.
A raw byte stream is translated into a sequence of tokens which white space and comments are discarded. Doc comments may optionally be discarded as well. The resulting input elements form the tokens that are the terminal symbols of the syntactic grammar.
Lexical Translations
A raw byte stream is translated into a sequence of tokens which white space and comments are discarded. Doc comments may optionally be discarded as well. The resulting input elements form the tokens that are the terminal symbols of the syntactic grammar.
The longest possible translation is used at each step, even if the result does not ultimately make a correct program while another lexical translation would.
is translated asa
, which does not form a grammatically correct expression, even though the tokenizationa
could form a grammatically correct expression.
Line Terminators
The C3 compiler divides the sequence of input bytes into lines by recognizing line terminators
Lines are terminated by the ASCII LF character (U+000A), also known as “newline”. A line termination specifies the termination of the // form of a comment.
Input Elements and Tokens
An input element may be:
- White space
- Comment
- Doc Contract
- Token
A token may be:
- Identifier
- Keyword
- Literal
- Separator
- Operator
A Doc Contract consists of:
- A stream of descriptive text
- A list of directive Tokens
Those input elements that are not white space or comments are tokens. The tokens are the terminal symbols of the
syntactic grammar. Whitespace and comments can serve to separate tokens that might be tokenized in another manner. For
example the characters +
and =
may form the operator token +=
only if there is no intervening white space or
White Space
White space is defined as the ASCII horizontal tab character (U+0009), form feed character (U+000A), vertical tab ( U+000B), carriage return (U+000D), space character (U+0020) and the line terminator character (U+000D).
WHITESPACE ::= [ \t\f\v\r\n]
Letters and digits
There are three types of regular comments:
// text
a line comment. The text between//
and line end is ignored./* text */
block comments. The text between/*
is ignored. It has nesting behaviour, so for every/*
discovered between the first/*
and the last*/
a corresponding*/
must be found.
Doc contract
<* text *>
doc block comment. The text between<*
is optionally parsed using the doc comment syntactic grammar. A compiler may choose to read<* text *>
as a regular comment.
Identifiers name program entities such as variables and types. An identifier is a sequence of one or more letters and digits. The first character in an identifier must be a letter or underscore.
C3 has three types of identifiers: const identifiers - containing only underscore and upper-case letters, type identifiers - starting with an upper case letter followed by at least one underscore letter and regular identifiers, starting with a lower case letter.
The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers:
asm any anyfaultassert attribute breakcase catch constcontinue default deferdef do elseenum extern falsefault fn ifimport inline macromodule nextcase nullpublic return structswitch true trytypeid var voidwhile
bool int128 doublefloat long ulongint uint byteshort ushort charisz usz float16float128 uint128 bfloat16
$assert $case $default$echo $else $error$endfor $endforeach $endif$endswitch $for $foreach$if $switch $typef$vaarg $vaconst $vacount$vaexpr $vatype
Operators and punctuation
The following character sequences represent operators and punctuation.
& @ ~ | ^ :, / $ . ; )> < # { } -( ) * [ ] %>= <= + += -= !? ?: && ?? &= |=^= /= .. == ({ })[< >] (< >) ++ --%= != || :: << >>!! ... <<= >>=
Integer literals
An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer constant. An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base: 0b or 0B for binary, 0o, or 0O for octal, and 0x or 0X for hexadecimal. A single 0 is considered a decimal zero. In hexadecimal literals, letters a through f and A through F represent values 10 through 15.
For readability, an underscore character _ may appear after a base prefix or between successive digits; such underscores do not change the literal’s value.
BINARY_DIGIT ::= [01]HEX_DIGIT ::= [0-9a-fA-F]
424_20_6000o6000O600 // second character is capital letter 'O'0xBadFace0xBad_Face0x_67_7a_2f_cc_40_c6170141183460469231731687303715884105727170_141183_460469_231731_687303_715884_105727
0600 // Invalid, non zero decimal number may not start with 0_42 // an identifier, not an integer literal42_ // invalid: _ must separate successive digits0_xBadFace // invalid: _ must separate successive digits
Floating point literals
A floating-point literal is a decimal or hexadecimal representation of a floating-point constant.
A decimal floating-point literal consists of an integer part (decimal digits), a decimal point, a fractional part (decimal digits), and an exponent part (e or E followed by an optional sign and decimal digits). One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided; one of the decimal point or the exponent part may be elided. An exponent value exp scales the mantissa (integer and fractional part) by powers of 10.
A hexadecimal floating-point literal consists of a 0x or 0X prefix, an integer part (hexadecimal digits), a radix point, a fractional part (hexadecimal digits), and an exponent part (p or P followed by an optional sign and decimal digits). One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided; the radix point may be elided as well, but the exponent part is required. An exponent value exp scales the mantissa (integer and fractional part) by powers of 2.
For readability, an underscore character _ may appear after a base prefix or between successive digits; such underscores do not change the literal value.
Characters are the fundamental components of strings and character literals.
Backslash escapes
The following backslash escapes are available for characters and string literals:
\0 0x00 zero value\a 0x07 alert/bell\b 0x08 backspace\e 0x1B escape\f 0x0C form feed\n 0x0A newline\r 0x0D carriage return\t 0x09 horizontal tab\v 0x0B vertical tab\\ 0x5C backslash\' 0x27 single quote '\" 0x22 double quote "\x Escapes a single byte hex value\u Escapes a two byte unicode hex value\U Escapes a four byte unicode hex value
String literals
A string literal represents a string constant obtained from concatenating a sequence of characters.
String literals are character sequences between double quotes, as in “bar”. Within the quotes,
any character may appear except newline and unescaped double quote. The text between the
quotes forms the value of the literal, with backslash escapes interpreted as they are in
rune literals, with the same restrictions. The two-digit hexadecimal (\xnn) escapes represent
individual bytes of the resulting string; all other escapes represent the (possibly multibyte)
UTF-8 encoding of individual characters. Thus inside a string literal \xFF
represent a single
byte of value 0xFF
= 255, while ÿ
, \u00FF
, \U000000FF
and \xc3\xbf
represent the two bytes
0xc3 0xbf
of the UTF-8 encoding of character U+00FF
Compile time string concatenation
Strings will concatenate if declared in sequence.
String s = "abc" "def" "ghi";// This is equivalent to:String s = "abcdefghi";
Raw string literals
Raw string literals are enclosed between “ and consist of the raw UTF8 in the source code between the ”`”. A sequence of two ”`” will be interpreted as a single escaped ”`” that does not terminate the literal.
Compile time concatenation
Raw strings will concatenate with other regular strings and raw strings ( see string literal compile time concatenation).
Source code pre-filtering
The source code will pre-filter \r
) from the source code. This means that it is also implicitly
filtered out of raw strings.
Character literals
A character literal is enclosed in '
and may either consist of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bytes.
Types consist of built-in types and user-defined types (enums, structs, unions, bitstructs, fault and distinct).
Boolean types
may have the two values true
and false
. It holds a single bit of information but is
stored in a char
Integer types
The built-in integer types:
char unsigned 8-bitichar signed 8-bitushort unsigned 16-bitshort signed 16-bituint unsigned 32-bitint signed 32-bitulong unsigned 64-bitlong signed 64-bituint128 unsigned 128-bitint128 singed 128-bit
In addition, the following type aliases exist:
uptr unsigned pointer sizeiptr signed pointer sizeusz unsigned pointer offset / object sizeisz signed pointer offset / object size
Floating point types
Built-in floating point types:
float16 IEEE 16-bit*bfloat16 Brainfloat*float IEEE 32-bitdouble IEEE 64-bitfloat128 IEEE 128-bit*
(* optionally supported)
Vector types
A vector lowers to the platform’s vector types where available. A vector has a base type and a width.
vector_type ::= type "[<" length ">]"
Vector base type
The base type of a vector must be boolean, an integer or a floating point type.
Min width
The vector width must be at least 1.
Element access
Vector elements are accessed using []
. It is possible to take the address of a single element.
Alignment of vectors are platform dependent, but is at least the alignment of its element type.
Vector operations
Vectors support the same arithmetics as its underlying type, and will perform the operation element-wise.
int[<2>] a = { 1, 3 };int[<2>] b = { 2, 7 };
int[<2>] c = a * b;// Equivalent toint[<2>] c = { a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1] };
Array types
An array has the alignment of its elements. An array must have at least one element.
Slice types
The slice consist of a pointer, followed by an usz length, having the alignment of pointers.
Pointer types
A pointer is the address to memory.
pointer_type ::= type "*"
Pointee type
The type of the memory pointed to is the pointee type. It may be any runtime type.
and uptr
A pointer may be losslessly cast to an iptr
or uptr
. An iptr
or uptr
may be cast to a pointer of any type.
The wildcard pointer void*
The void*
may implicitly cast into any other pointer type. The void*
[implicitly casts into any other pointer.
A void* pointer may never be dereferenced.
Pointer arithmetic on void*
Performing pointer arithmetics on void* will assume that the element size is 1. This includes pointer arithmetics using subscripting.
Subscripting a pointer is equal to performing pointer arithmetics using the index, followed by a deref. Subscripts on pointers may be negative and will never do bounds checks.
Dereferencing a pointer will return the value in the memory location interpreted as the pointee type.
Struct types
A struct may not have zero members.
A non-packed struct has the alignment of the member that has the highest alignment. A packed struct has alignment 1. See align attribute for details on changing the alignment.
Union types
A union may not have zero members.
A union has the alignment of the member that has the highest alignment. See align attribute for details on changing the alignment.
Fault types
A fault is an extensible enum which can be used to create an Excuse for an empty optional.
A fault type has the same alignment as a pointer. See align attribute for details on changing the alignment.
Enum types
Function types
Typeid type
The typeid is a pointer sized value which uniquely identifies a type.
Any type
The any
is a fat pointer (2 pointers wide) holding a pointer to a value and its corresponding typeid.
It cannot be dereferenced.
returns a void*
pointer to the underlying value .type
returns the typeid
of the underlying value.
Switching over any
Switching over an any
value creates an any switch.
Anyfault type
Declarations and scope
Assignment expression
assignment_expr ::= ct_type_assign | unary_expr assignment_op exprct_type_assign ::= ct_type_ident "=" typeassignment_op ::= "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|="
Type assign
This assigns a new type to a compile time type variable. The value of the expression is the type assigned.
Combined assign
All assignment operations except for =
are combined assign operation. They first perform the operation indicated
by the leftmost character(s) in the operator (e.g +
for +=
, <<
for <<=
etc) with the lhs and the rhs.
The result is then assigned to the left hand side. The result of the operation is the new value of the left
hand side.
Implicit conversion
If the left hand side is a pointer and the operation is +=
or -=
an attempt to implicitly convert to
will be tried.
For all other types and operations, an implicit conversion of rhs to the type of lhs will be tried.
Ternary, elvis and or-else expressions
ternary_group_expr ::= suffix_group_expr | ternary_expr | elvis_expr | orelse_exprternary_expr ::= or_expr "?" expr ":" ternary_group_exprelvis_expr ::= suffix_expr "?:" ternary_group_exprorelse_expr ::= suffix_expr "??" ternary_group_expr
Ternary evaluation
The most left-hand expression is evaluated to a boolean. If it is true, the value of the middle expression is returned, otherwise the last expression is returned.
Only the most left-hand expression and the returned expressions are evaluated.
The middle and last expression are implicitly converted to their unified type.
The resulting type is the unified type.
Elvis evaluation
Lhs and rhs are implicitly converted to their unified type.
The lhs is evaluated, it is then converted to a boolean, if the result it true, return the lhs value before its boolean conversion. Otherwise return the right hand side.
The right hand side is only evaluated if the lhs evaluates to false.
The resulting type is the unified type.
Orelse evaluation
The lhs must be optional. The non-optional type for lhs and rhs are calculated. The unified type of the result is calculated. Lhs are converted to the unified type preserving their optionality.
At runtime, lhs is evaluated. If it evaluates to an optional, rhs is returned instead.
Rhs is only evaluated if lhs evaluates to an optional.
The resulting type of the orelse is the post conversion type of the rhs.
Suffix expression
Suffix expressions convert a fault to an optional.
suffix_group_exp ::= or_group_expr | suffix_exprsuffix_expr ::= or_group_expr "?" "!"?
Effect of ?
The ?
will convert the expression into an optional. The left hand side must be a fault type.
If an optional !
follows, this optional is immediately returned, as if by a return <expr>?
Type of the expression
The type is a wildcard optional. If !
is added, it is a wildcard type.
Rethrow expression
If the expression is optional, implicitly return with the optional value.
rethrow_expr ::= expr "!"
The expression to rethrow
The expression must have an optional type, otherwise this is a compile time error.
The type of “rethrow” is the inner expr type without optional.
Relational expression
rel_group_expr ::= add_group_expr | relational_exprrelational_expr ::= rel_group_expr relational_op add_group_exprrelational_op ::= "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
And expression
This binary expression evaluates the lhs, and if the result is true
evaluates the rhs. The
result is true if both lhs and rhs are true.
and_group_expr ::= rel_group_expr | and_exprand_expr ::= and_group_expr "&&" rel_group_expr
The type of the and-expression is bool
Or expression
This binary expression evaluates the lhs, and if the result is false
evaluates the rhs. The
result is true if lhs or rhs is true.
or_group_expr ::= and_group_expr | or_expror_expr ::= or_group_expr "||" and_group_expr
Constant folded arithmetics
Constant folding will happen for constant integers and floating. Vectors operations will not be constant-folded.
Constant folded operations are: multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, bit shifts, bit negation, bitwise and, or and xor, comparison, logical and/or, and negation.
The type of the or-expression is bool
Pointer casts
Integer to pointer cast
Any integer of pointer size or larger may be explicitly cast to a pointer. An integer to pointer cast is considered
non-constant, except in the special case where the integer == 0. In that case, the result is constant null
byte a = 1;int* b = (int*)a; // Invalid, pointer type is > 8 bits.int* c = (int*)1; // Valid, but runtime value.int* d = (int*)0; // Valid and constant value.
Pointer to integer cast
A pointer may be cast to any integer, truncating the pointer value if the size of the pointer is larger than the pointer size. A pointer to integer cast is considered non-constant, except in the special case of a null pointer, where it is equal to the integer value 0.
fn void test() { ... }def VoidFunc = fn void test();
VoidFunc a = &test;int b = (int)null;int c = (int)a; // Invalid, not constantint d = (int)((int*)1); // Invalid, not constant
Subscript operator
The subscript operator may take as its left side a pointer, array or slice. The index may be of any integer
type. TODO
NOTE The subscript operator is not symmetrical as in C. For example in C3 array[n] = 33
is allowed, but
not n[array] = 33
. This is a change from C.
Compound Literals
Compound literals have the format
compound_literal ::= (type) initializer_listinitializer_list ::= '{' (initializer_param (',' initializer_param)* ','?)? '}'initializer_param ::= expression | designator '=' expressiondesignator ::= array_designator | range_designator | field_designatorarray_designator ::= '[' expression ']'range_designator ::= '[' range_expression ']'field_designator ::= IDENTIFIERrange_expression ::= (range_index)? '..' (range_index)?range_index ::= expression | '^' expression
Taking the address of a compound literal will yield a pointer to stack allocated temporary.
Function calls
Function argument resolution
Call slots are in order: regular slots, vaarg slot, name-only slots.
No regular slots may appear after the vaarg slot, however there may be named parameters with default values after the vaarg slot if it’s not a raw vaarg.
These “name-only” slots need to have a parameter name and a default value, and may only be called as named arguments.
Named arguments may never be splat expressions.
- Step through all the arguments, resolve the named arguments and determine if there are any regular arguments.
- If there are regular arguments, then named arguments may only be in name-only slots, otherwise it is an error.
- If there are named arguments in the regular slots, all slots not provided arguments must have default values.
- Proceed with evaluation of arguments from left to right in call invocation order.
- Regular arguments are placed in the regular slots from left to right.
- If a regular argument is a splat expression, evaluate it without inference and determine if it is an array, vector, untyped list or slice with a known size, otherwise it is an error.
- A regular argument splat will be expanded into as many slots as its length, this may expand into vaarg arguments.
- In the vaarg slot, splatting a slice will forward it.
- In the vaarg slot, splatting an array, vector or untyped list will expand its elements as if they were provided as arguments.
- A named argument may never appear more than once.
- The vaarg slot may never be accessed using named arguments.
For varargs, a bool
or any integer smaller than what the C ABI specifies for the c int
type is cast to int
. Any
float smaller than a double is cast to double
. Compile time floats will be cast to double. Compile time integers will
be cast to c int
stmt ::= compound_stmt | non_compound_stmtnon_compound_stmt ::= assert_stmt | if_stmt | while_stmt | do_stmt | foreach_stmt | foreach_r_stmt | for_stmt | return_stmt | break_stmt | continue_stmt | var_stmt | declaration_stmt | defer_stmt | nextcase_stmt | asm_block_stmt | ct_echo_stmt | ct_error_stmt | ct_assert_stmt | ct_if_stmt | ct_switch_stmt | ct_for_stmt | ct_foreach_stmt | expr_stmt
Asm block statement
An asm block is either a string expression or a brace enclosed list of asm statements.
asm_block_stmt ::= "asm" ("(" constant_expr ")" | "{" asm_stmt* "}")asm_stmt ::= asm_instr asm_exprs? ";"asm_instr ::= ("int" | IDENTIFIER) ("." IDENTIFIER)asm_expr ::= CT_IDENT | CT_CONST_IDENT | "&"? IDENTIFIER | CONST_IDENT | FLOAT_LITERAL | INTEGER | "(" expr ")" | "[" asm_addr "]"asm_addr ::= asm_expr (additive_op asm_expr asm_addr_trail?)?asm_addr_trail ::= "*" INTEGER (additive_op INTEGER)? | (shift_op | additive_op) INTEGER
Assert statement
The assert statement will evaluate the expression and call the panic function if it evaluates to false.
assert_stmt ::= "assert" "(" expr ("," assert_message)? ")" ";"assert_message ::= constant_expr ("," expr)*
Conditional inclusion
statements are only included in “safe” builds. They may turn into assume directives for
the compiler on “fast” builds.
Assert message
The assert message is optional. It can be followed by an arbitrary number of expressions, in which case the message is understood to be a format string, and the following arguments are passed as values to the format function.
The assert message must be a compile time constant. There are no restriction on the format argument expressions.
Panic function
If the assert message has no format arguments or no assert message is included,
then the regular panic function is called. If it has format arguments then panicf
is called instead.
In the case the panicf
function does not exist (for example, compiling without the standard library),
then the format and the format arguments will be ignored and the assert
will be treated
as if no assert message was available.
Break statement
A break statement exits a while
, for
, do
, foreach
or switch
scope. A labelled break
may also exit a labelled if
break_stmt ::= "break" label? ";"
Break labels
If a break has a label, then it will instead exit an outer scope with the label.
Unreachable code
Any statement following break in the same scope is considered unreachable.
Compile time echo statement
During parsing, the compiler will output the text in the statement when it is semantically checked. The statement will be turned into a NOP statement after checking.
ct_echo_stmt ::= "$echo" constant_expr ";"
The message
The message must be a compile time constant string.
Compile time assert statement
During parsing, the compiler will check the compile time expression
and create a compile time error with the optional message. After
evaluation, the $assert
becomes a NOP statement.
ct_assert_stmt ::= "$assert" constant_expr (":" constant_expr) ";"
Evaluated expression
The checked expression must evaluate to a boolean compile time constant.
Error message
The second parameter, which is optional, must evaluate to a constant string.
Compile time error statement
During parsing, when semantically checked this statement will output a compile time error with the message given.
ct_error_stmt ::= "$error" constant_expr ";"
Error message
The parameter must evaluate to a constant string.
Compile time if statement
If the cond expression is true, the then-branch is processed by the compiler. If it evaluates to false, the else-branch is processed if it exists.
ct_if_stmt ::= "$if" constant_expr ":" stmt* ("$else" stmt*)? "$endif"
Cond expression
The cond expression must be possible to evaluate to true or false at compile time.
The “then” and “else” branches will add a compile time scope that is exited when reaching $endif
It adds no runtime scope.
Statements in the branch not picked will not be semantically checked.
Compile time switch statement
ct_switch_stmt ::= "$switch" ("(" ct_expr_or_type ")")? ct_case_stmt+ "$endswitch"ct_case_stmt ::= ("$default" | "$case" ct_expr_or_type) ":" stmt*
No cond expression switch
If the cond expression is missing, evaluation will go through each case until one case expression evaluates to true.
Type expressions
If a cond expression is a type, then all case statement expressions must be types as well.
Ranged cases
Compile time switch does not support ranged cases.
If a case clause has no statements, then when executing the case, rather than exiting the switch, the next case clause immediately following it will be used. If that one should also be missing statements, the procedure will be repeated until a case clause with statements is encountered, or the end of the switch is reached.
Break and nextcase
Compile time switches do not support break
nor nextcase
Evaluation of statements
Only the case which is first matched has its statements processed by the compiler. All other statements are ignored and will not be semantically checked.
Continue statement
A continue statement jumps to the cond expression of a while
, for
, do
or foreach
continue_stmt ::= "continue" label? ";"
Continue labels
If a continue
has a label, then it will jump to the cond of the while/for/do in the outer scope
with the corresponding label.
Unreachable code
Any statement following continue
in the same scope is considered unreachable.
Declaration statement
A declaration statement adds a new runtime or compile time variable to the current scope. It is available after the declaration statement.
declaration_stmt ::= const_declaration | local_decl_storage? optional_type decls_after_type ";"local_decl_storage ::= "tlocal" | "static"decls_after_type ::= local_decl_after_type ("," local_decl_after_type)*decl_after_type ::= CT_IDENT ("=" constant_expr)? | IDENTIFIER opt_attributes ("=" expr)?
Thread local storage
Using tlocal
allocates the runtime variable as a thread local variable. In effect this is the same as declaring
the variable as a global tlocal
variable, but the visibility is limited to the function. tlocal
may not be
combined with static
The initializer for a tlocal
variable must be a valid global init expression.
Static storage
Using static
allocates the runtime variable as a function global variable. In effect this is the same as declaring
a global, but visibility is limited to the function. static
may not be combined with tlocal
The initializer for a static
variable must be a valid global init expression.
Runtime variables are added to the runtime scope, compile time variables to the compile time scope. See **var statements **.
Multiple declarations
If more than one variable is declared, no init expressions are allowed for any of the variables.
No init expression
If no init expression is provided, the variable is zero initialized.
Opt-out of zero initialization
Using the @noinit attribute opts out of zero initialization.
Self referencing initialization
An init expression may refer to the address of the same variable that is declared, but not the value of the variable.
void* a = &a; // Validint a = a + 1; // Invalid
Defer statement
The defer statements are executed at (runtime) scope exit, whether through return
, break
, continue
or rethrow.
defer_stmt ::= "defer" ("try" | "catch")? stmt
Defer in defer
The defer body (statement) may not be a defer statement. However, if the body is a compound statement then this may have any number of defer statements.
Static and tlocal variables in defer
Static and tlocal variables are allowed in a defer statement. Only a single variable is instantiated regardless of the number of inlining locations.
Defer and return
If the return
has an expression, then it is evaluated before the defer statements (due to exit from the current
function scope),
are executed.
int a = 0;defer a++;return a;// This is equivalent toint a = 0;int temp = a;a++;return temp;
Defer and jump statements
A defer body may not contain a break
, continue
, return
or rethrow that would exit the statement.
Defer execution
Defer statements are executed in the reverse order of their declaration, starting from the last declared defer statement.
defer try
A defer try
type of defer will only execute if the scope is left through normal fallthrough, break
or a return
with a result.
It will not execute if the exit is through a rethrow or a return
with an optional value.
defer catch
A defer catch
type of defer will only execute if the scope is left through a rethrow or a return
with an optional
It will not execute if the exit is a normal fallthrough, break
, continue
or a return
with a result.
Non-regular returns - longjmp, panic and other errors
Defers will not execute when doing longjmp
terminating through a panic
or other error. They
are only invoked on regular scope exits.
Expr statement
An expression statement evaluates an expression.
expr_stmt ::= expr ";"
No discard
If the expression is a function or macro call either returning an optional or annotated @nodiscard
, then
the expression is a compile time error. A function or macro returning an optional can use the @maydiscard
attribute to suppress this error.
If statement
An if statement will evaluate the cond expression, then execute the first statement (the “then clause”) in the if-body if it evaluates to “true”, otherwise execute the else clause. If no else clause exists, then the next statement is executed.
if_stmt ::= "if" (label ":")? "(" cond_expr ")" if_bodyif_body ::= non_compound_stmt | compound_stmt else_clause? | "{" switch_body "}"else_clause ::= "else" (if_stmt | compound_stmt)
Both the “then” clause and the else clause open new scopes, even if they are non-compound statements. The cond expression scope is valid until the exit of the entire statement, so any declarations in the cond expression are available both in then and else clauses. Declarations in the “then” clause is not available in the else clause and vice versa.
Special parsing of the “then” clause
If the then-clause isn’t a compound statement, then it must follow on the same row as the cond expression. It may not appear on a consecutive row.
It is possible to use labelled break to break out of an if statement. Note that an unlabelled break
may not
be used.
The cond expression may be a try-unwrap chain. In this case, the unwrapped variables are scoped to the “then” clause only.
The cond expression may be a catch-unwrap. The unwrap is scoped to the “then” clause only. If one or more variables are in the catch, then the “else” clause have these variables implicitly unwrapped.
int! a = foo();int! b = foo();if (catch a, b){ // Do something}else{ int x = a + b; // Valid, a and b are implicitly unwrapped.}
If-catch implicit unwrap
If an if-catch’s “then”-clause will jump out of the outer scope in all code paths and the catch is on one or more variables, then this variable(s) will be implicitly unwrapped in the outer scope after the if-statement.
int! a = foo();if (catch a){ return;}int x = a; // Valid, a is implicitly unwrapped.
Nextcase statement
Nextcase will jump to another switch
nextcase_stmt ::= "nextcase" ((label ":")? (expr | "default"))? ";"
When a nextcase has a label, the jump is to the switch in an outer scope with the corresponding label.
No expression jumps
A nextcase
without any expression jumps to the next case clause in the current switch. It is not possible
to use no expression nextcase
with labels.
Jumps to default
Using default
jumps to the default clause of a switch.
Missing case
If the switch has constant case values, and the nextcase expression is constant, then the value of the expression must match a case clause. Not matching a case is a compile time error.
If one or more cases are non-constant and/or the nextcase expression is non-constant, then no compile time check is made.
Variable expression
If the nextcase has a non-constant expression, or the cases are not all constant, then first the nextcase expression is evaluated. Next, execution will proceed as if the switch was invoked again, but with the nextcase expression as the switch cond expression. See switch statement.
If the switch does not have a cond expression, nextcase with an expression is not allowed.
Unreachable code
Any statement in the same scope after a nextcase
are considered unreachable.
Switch statement
switch_stmt ::= "switch" (label ":")? ("(" cond_expr ")")? switch bodyswitch_body ::= "{" case_clause* "}"case_clause ::= default_stmt | case_stmtdefault_stmt ::= "default" ":" stmt*case_stmt ::= "case" label? expr (".." expr)? ":" stmt*
Regular switch
If the cond expression exists and all case statements have constant expression, then first the cond expression is evaluated, next the case corresponding to the expression’s value will be jumped to and the statement will be executed. After reaching the end of the statements and a new case clause or the end of the switch body, the execution will jump to the first statement after the switch.
If the cond expression is missing or the case statements are non-constant expressions, then each case clause will be evaluated in order after the cond expression has been evaluated (if it exists):
- If a cond expression exists, calculate the case expression and execute the case if it is matching the cond expression. A default statement has no expression and will always be considered matching the cond expression reached.
- If no con expression exists, calculate the case expression and execute the case if the expression evaluates to “true” when implicitly converted to boolean. A default statement will always be considered having the “true” result.
If the cond expression is an any
type, the switch is handled as if switching was done over the type
field of the any
. This field has the type of typeid, and the cases follows the rules
for switching over typeid.
If the cond expression is a variable, then this variable is implicitly converted to a pointer with the pointee type given by the case statement.
any a = abc();switch (a){ case int: int b = *a; // a is int* case float: float z = *a; // a is float* case Bar: Bar f = *a; // a is Bar* default: // a is not unwrapped}
Ranged cases
Cases may be ranged. The start and end of the range must both be constant integer values. The start must be less or equal to the end value. Using non-integers or non-constant values is a compile time error.
If a case clause has no statements, then when executing the case, rather than exiting the switch, the next case clause immediately following it will be executed. If that one should also be missing statement, the procedure will be repeated until a case clause with statements is encountered (and executed), or the end of the switch is reached.
Exhaustive switch
If a switch case has a default clause or it is switching over an enum and there exists a case for each enum value then the switch is exhaustive.
If an unlabelled break, or a break with the switch’s label is encountered, then the execution will jump out of the switch and proceed directly after the end of the switch body.
Unreachable code
If a switch is exhaustive and all case clauses end with a jump instruction, containing no break statement out of the current switch, then the code directly following the switch will be considered unreachable.
Switching over typeid
If the switch cond expression is a typeid, then case declarations may use only the type name after the case,
which will be interpreted as having an implicit .typeid
. Example: case int:
will be interpreted as if
written case int.typeid
Nextcase without expression
Without a value nextcase
will jump to the beginning of the next case clause. It is not allowed to
put nextcase
without an expression if there are no following case clauses.
Nextcase with expression
Nextcase with an expression will evaluate the expression and then jump as if the switch was entered with the cond expression corresponding to the value of the nextcase expression. Nextcase with an expression cannot be used on a switch without a cond expression.
Do statement
The do statement first evaluates its body (inner statement), then evaluates the cond expression. If the cond expression evaluates to true, jumps back into the body and repeats the process.
do_stmt ::= "do" label? compound_stmt ("while" "(" cond_expr ")")? ";"
Unreachable code
The statement after a do
is considered unreachable if the cond expression cannot ever be false
and there is no break
out of the do.
will exit the do with execution continuing on the following statement.
will jump directly to the evaluation of the cond, as if the end of the statement had been reached.
Do block
If no while
part exists, it will only execute the block once, as if it ended with while (false)
, this is
called a “do block”
For statement
The for
statement will perform the (optional) init expression. The cond expression will then be tested. If
it evaluates to true
then the body will execute, followed by the incr expression. After execution will
jump back to the cond expression and execution will repeat until the cond expression evaluates to false
for_stmt ::= "for" label? "(" init_expr ";" cond_expr? ";" incr_expr ")" stmtinit_expr ::= decl_expr_list?incr_expr ::= expr_list?
Init expression
The init expression is only executed once before the rest of the for loop is executed. Any declarations in the init expression will be in scope until the for loop exits.
The init expression may optionally be omitted.
Incr expression
The incr expression is evaluated before evaluating the cond expr every time except for the first one.
The incr expression may optionally be omitted.
Cond expression
The cond expression is evaluated every loop. Any declaration in the cond expression is scoped to the current loop, i.e. it will be reinitialized at the start of every loop.
The cond expression may optionally be omitted. This is equivalent to setting the cond expression to
always return true
Unreachable code
The statement after a for
is considered unreachable if the cond expression cannot ever be false, or is
omitted and there is no break
out of the loop.
will exit the for
with execution continuing on the following statement after the for
will jump directly to the evaluation of the cond, as if the end of the statement had been reached.
Equivalence of while
and for
A while
loop is functionally equivalent to a for
loop without init and incr expressions.
and foreach_r
The foreach
statement will loop over a sequence of values. The foreach_r
is equivalent to
but the order of traversal is reversed.
starts with element 0
and proceeds step by step to element len - 1
starts starts with element len - 1
and proceeds step by step to element 0
foreach_stmt ::= "foreach" label? "(" foreach_vars ":" expr ")" stmtforeach_r_stmt ::= "foreach_r" label? "(" foreach_vars ":" expr ")" stmtforeach_vars ::= (foreach_index ",")? foreach_varforeach_var ::= type? "&"? IDENTIFIER
will exit the foreach statement with execution continuing on the following statement after.
will cause the next iteration to commence, as if the end of the statement had been reached.
Iteration by value or reference
Normally iteration are by value. Each element is copied into the foreach variable. If &
is added before the variable name, the elements will be retrieved by reference instead, and consequently
the type of the variable will be a pointer to the element type instead.
Foreach variable
The foreach variable may omit the type. In this case the type is inferred. If the type differs from the element type, then an implicit conversion will be attempted. Failing this is a compile time error.
Foreach index
If a variable name is added before the foreach variable, then this variable will receive the index of the element.
For foreach_r
this mean that the first value of the index will be len - 1
The index type defaults to usz
If an optional type is added to the index, the index will be converted to this type. The type must be an integer type. The conversion happens as if the conversion was a direct cast. If the actual index value would exceed the maximum representable value of the type, this does not affect the actual iteration, but may cause the index value to take on an incorrect value due to the cast.
For example, if the optional index type is char
and the actual index is 256
, then the index value would show 0
as (char)256
evaluates to zero.
Modifying the index variable will not affect the foreach iteration.
Foreach support
Foreach is natively supported for any slice, array, pointer to an array, vector and pointer to a vector. These types support both iteration by value and reference.
In addition, a type with operator overload for len
and []
will support iteration by value,
and a type with operator overload for len
and &[]
will support iteration by reference.
Return statement
The return statement evaluates its expression (if present) and returns the result.
return_stmt ::= "return" expr? ";"
Jumps in return statements
If the expression should in itself cause an implicit return, for example due to the rethrow operator !
, then this
jump will happen before the return.
An example:
return foo()!;// is equivalent to:int temp = foo()!;return temp;
Empty returns
An empty return is equivalent to a return with a void type. Consequently constructs like foo(); return;
and return (void)foo();
are equivalent.
Unreachable code
Any statement directly following a return in the same scope are considered unreachable.
While statement
The while statement evaluates the cond expression and executes the statement if it evaluates to true. After this the cond expression is evaluated again and the process is repeated until cond expression returns false.
while_stmt ::= "while" label? "(" cond_expr ")" stmt
Unreachable code
The statement after a while is considered unreachable if the cond expression cannot ever be false
and there is no break
out of the while.
will exit the while with execution continuing on the following statement.
will jump directly to the evaluation of the cond, as if the end of the statement had been reached.
Var statement
A var statement declares a variable with inferred type, or a compile time type variable. It can be used both for runtime and compile time variables. The use for runtime variables is limited to macros.
var_stmt ::= "var" IDENTIFIER | CT_IDENT | CT_TYPE_IDENT ("=" expr)? ";"
Inferring type
In the case of a runtime variable, the type is inferred from the expression. Not providing an expression is a compile time error. The expression must resolve to a runtime type.
For compile time variables, the expression is optional. The expression may resolve to a runtime or compile time type.
Runtime variables will follow the runtime scopes, identical to behaviour in a declaration statement. The compile
time variables will follow the compile time scopes which are delimited by scoping compile time
statements ($if
, $switch
and $for
Attributes are modifiers attached to modules, variables, type declarations etc.
name | used with |
@align | fn, const, variables, user-defined types, struct member |
@benchmark | module, fn |
@bigendian | bitstruct only |
@builtin | macro, fn, global, constant |
@callconv | fn, call |
@deprecated | fn, macro, interface, variables, constants, user-defined types, struct member |
@dynamic | fn |
@export | fn, globals, constants, struct, union, enum, fault |
@extern | fn, globals, constants, user-defined types |
@if | all except local variables and calls |
@inline | fn, call |
@interface | fn |
@littleendian | bitstruct only |
@local | module, fn, macro, globals, constants, user-defined types, attributes and aliases |
@maydiscard | fn, macro |
@naked | fn |
@nodiscard | fn, macro |
@noinit | variables |
@noinline | fn, call |
@noreturn | fn, macro |
@nostrip | fn, globals, constants, struct, union, enum, fault |
@obfuscate | enum, fault |
@operator | fn, macro |
@optional | interface methods |
@overlap | bitstruct only |
@packed | struct, union |
@priority | initializer/finalizer |
@private | module, fn, macro, globals, constants, user-defined types, attributes and aliases |
@public | module, fn, macro, globals, constants, user-defined types, attributes and aliases |
@pure | call |
@reflect | fn, globals, constants, user-defined types |
@section | fn, globals, constants |
@test | module, fn |
@unused | all except call and initializer/finalizers |
@used | all except call and initializer/finalizers |
@weak | fn, globals, constants |
@winmain | fn |
Takes an optional constant string. If the node is in use, print the deprecation and add the optional string if present.
Marks an interface method as optional, and so does not need to be implemented by a conforming type.
Marks a main
function as a win32 winmain function, which is the entrypoint for a windowed
application on Windows. This allows the main function to take a different set of
arguments than usual.
can be used with a function or a call. It takes a constant string which is either “veccall”, “stdcall” or “cdecl”. If more than one @callconv
is applied to a function or call, the last one takes precedence.
User defined attributes
User defined attributes group a list of attributes.
attribute_decl ::= "def" AT_TYPE_IDENT ("(" parameters ")")? attribute* "=" "{" attribute* "}" ";"
Empty list of attributes
The list of attributes may be empty.
Parameter arguments
Arguments given to user defined attributes will be passed on to the attributes in the list.
When a user defined attribute is encountered, its list of attributes is copied and appended instead of the user defined attribute. Any argument passed to the attribute is evaluated and passed as a constant by the name of the parameter to the evaluation of the attribute parameters in the list.
A user defined attribute can contain other user defined attributes. The definition may not be cyclic.
Operator overloading
overloads may only be added to user defined types (distinct, unions, struct, enum and fault).
Indexing operator ([]
This requires a return type and a method parameter, which is the index.
Reference indexing operator (&[]
This requires a return type and a method parameter, which is the index. If []
is implemented,
it should return a pointer to []
Assigning index operator (=[]
This has a void return type, and index should match that of []
and &[]
. Value should match that
of []
and be the pointee of the result of &[]
Len operator (len
This must have an integer return type.
Dynamic methods
may be used on methods for any type except any
and interfaces.
Module paths are hierarchal, with each sub-path appended with ’::’ + the name:
Each module declaration starts its own module section. All imports and all @local
are only visible in the current module section.
module_section ::= "module" path opt_generic_params? attributes? ";"generic_param ::= TYPE_IDENT | CONST_IDENTopt_generic_params ::= "(<" generic_param ("," generic_param)* ">)"
Any visibility attribute defined in a module section will be the default visibility in all declarations in the section.
If the @benchmark
attribute is applied to the module section then all function declarations
will implicitly have the @benchmark
If the @test
attribute is applied to the module section then all function declarations
will implicitly have the @test