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C3 has both regular functions and member functions. Member functions are functions namespaced using type names, and allows invocations using the dot syntax.

Regular functions

Regular functions are the same as C aside from the keyword fn, which is followed by the conventional C declaration of <return type> <name>(<parameter list>).

fn void test(int times)
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
io::printfn("Hello %d", i);

Function arguments

C3 allows use of default arguments as well as named arguments. Note that any unnamed arguments must appear before any named arguments.

fn int test_with_default(int foo = 1)
return foo;
fn void test()

Named arguments

fn void test_named(int times, double data)
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
io::printf("Hello %d\n", i + data);
fn void test()
// Named only
test_named(times: 1, data: 3.0);
// Unnamed only
test_named(3, 4.0);
// Mixing named and unnamed
test_named(15, data: 3.141592);

Named arguments with defaults:

fn void test_named_default(int times = 1, double data = 3.0, bool dummy = false)
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
io::printfn("Hello %f", i + data);
fn void test()
// Named only
test_named_default(times: 10, data: 3.5);
// Unnamed and named
test_named_default(3, dummy: false);
// Overwriting an unnamed argument with a named argument is an error:
// test_named_default(2, times: 3); ERROR!
// Unnamed may not follow named arguments.
// test_named_default(times: 3, 4.0); ERROR!


There are four types of varargs:

  1. single typed
  2. explicitly typed any: pass non-any arguments as references
  3. implicitly typed any: arguments are implicitly converted to references (use with care)
  4. untyped C-style


fn void va_singletyped(int... args)
/* args has type int[] */
fn void va_variants_explicit(any*... args)
/* args has type any*[] */
fn void va_variants_implicit(args...)
/* args has type any*[] */
extern fn void va_untyped(...); // only used for extern C functions
fn void test()
va_singletyped(1, 2, 3);
int x = 1;
any* v = &x;
va_variants_explicit(&&1, &x, v); // pass references for non-any arguments
va_variants_implicit(1, x, "foo"); // arguments are implicitly converted to anys
va_untyped(1, x, "foo"); // extern C-function

For typed varargs, we can pass a slice instead of the individual arguments, by using the splat ... operator for example:

fn void test_splat()
int[] x = { 1, 2, 3 };


  • Splat ... unknown size slice ONLY in a typed vaarg slot.
fn void va_singletyped(int... args) {
io::printfn("%s", args);
fn void main()
int[2] arr = {1, 2};
va_singletyped(...arr); // arr is splatting two arguments
  • Splat ... any array anywhere
fn void foo(int a, int b, int c)
io::printfn("%s, %s, %s", a, b, c);
fn void main()
int[2] arr = {1, 2};
foo(...arr, 7); // arr is splatting two arguments
  • Splat ... known size slices anywhere
fn void foo(int a, int b, int c)
io::printfn("%s, %s, %s", a, b, c);
fn void main()
int[5] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
foo(...arr[:3]); // slice is splatting three arguments

Named arguments and varargs

Usually, a parameter after varargs would never be assigned to:

fn void testme(int a, double... x, double rate = 1.0) { /* ... */ }
fn void test()
// x is { 2.0, 5.0, 6.0 } rate would be 1.0
testme(3, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0);

However, named arguments can be used to set this value:

fn void testme(int a, double... x, double rate = 1.0) { /* ... */ }
fn void test()
// x is { 2.0, 5.0 } rate would be 6.0
testme(3, 2.0, 5.0, .rate = 6.0);

Functions and Optional returns

Function return values may be Optionals – denoted by <type>! indicating that this function might either return an Optional with a result, or an Optional with an Excuse.

For example this function might return an Excuse of type SomeError or OtherResult.

fn double! test_error()
double val = random_value();
if (val >= 0.2) return SomeError.BAD_JOSS_ERROR?;
if (val > 0.5) return OtherError.BAD_LUCK_ERROR?;
return val;

A function call which is passed one or more Optional arguments will only execute if all Optional values contain a result, otherwise the first Excuse found is returned.

fn void test()
// The following line is either prints a value less than 0.2
// or does not print at all:
io::printfn("%d", test_error());
// ?? sets a default value if an Excuse is found
double x = (test_error() + test_error()) ?? 100;
// This prints either a value less than 0.4 or 100:
io::printfn("%d", x);

This allows us to chain functions:

fn void print_input_with_explicit_checks()
String! line = io::readline();
if (try line)
// line is a regular "string" here.
int! val = line.to_int();
if (try val)
io::printfn("You typed the number %d", val);
io::printn("You didn't type an integer :/ ");
fn void print_input_with_chaining()
if (try int val = io::readline().to_int())
io::printfn("You typed the number %d", val);
io::printn("You didn't type an integer :/ ");


Methods look exactly like functions, but are prefixed with the type name and is (usually) invoked using dot syntax:

struct Point
int x;
int y;
fn void Point.add(Point* p, int x)
p.x += x;
fn void example()
Point p = { 1, 2 };
// with struct-functions
// Also callable as:
Point.add(&p, 10);

The target object may be passed by value or by pointer:

enum State
fn bool State.may_open(State state)
switch (state)
case STOPPED: return true;
case RUNNING: return false;

Implicit first parameters

Because the type of the first argument is known, it may be left out. To indicate a pointer & is used.

fn int Foo.test(&self) { /* ... */ }
// equivalent to
fn int Foo.test(Foo* self) { /* ... */ }
fn int Bar.test(self) { /* ... */ }
// equivalent to
fn int Bar.test(Bar self) { /* ... */ }

It is customary to use self as the name of the first parameter, but it is not required.

Restrictions on methods

  • Methods on a struct/union may not have the same name as a member.
  • Methods only works on distinct, struct, union and enum types.
  • When taking a function pointer of a method, use the full name.
  • Using subtypes, overlapping function names will be shadowed.


C3’s error handling is not intended to use errors to signal invalid data or to check invariants and post conditions. Instead C3’s approach is to add annotations to the function, that conditionally will be compiled into asserts.

As an example, the following code:

* @param foo `the number of foos`
* @require foo > 0, foo < 1000
* @return `number of foos x 10`
* @ensure return < 10000, return > 0
fn int test_foo(int foo)
return foo * 10;

Will in debug builds be compiled into something like this:

fn int test_foo(int foo)
assert(foo > 0);
assert(foo < 1000);
int _return = foo * 10;
assert(_return < 10000);
assert(_return > 0);
return _return;

The compiler is allowed to use the contracts for optimizations. For example this:

fn int test_example(int bar)
// The following is always invalid due to the `@ensure`
if (test_foo(bar) == 0) return -1;
return 1;

May be optimized to:

fn int test_example(int bar)
return 1;

In this case the compiler can look at the post condition of result > 0 to determine that testFoo(foo) == 0 must always be false.

Looking closely at this code, we not that nothing guarantees that bar is not violating the preconditions. In Safe builds this will usually be checked in runtime, but a sufficiently smart compiler will warn about the lack of checks on bar. Execution of code violating pre and post conditions has unspecified behaviour.

Short function declaration syntax

For very short functions, C3 offers a “short declaration” syntax using =>:

// Regular
fn int square(int x)
return x * x;
// Short
fn int square_short(int x) => x * x;


It’s possible to create anonymous functions using the regular fn syntax. Anonymous functions are identical to regular functions and do not capture variables from the surrounding scope:

def IntTransform = fn int(int);
fn void apply(int[] arr, IntTransform t)
foreach (&i : arr) *i = t(*i);
fn void main()
int[] x = { 1, 2, 5 };
// Short syntax with inference:
apply(x, fn (i) => i * i);
// Regular syntax without inference:
// apply(x, fn int(int i) { return i * i; });
// Prints [1, 4, 25]
io::printfn("%s", x);

Static initializer and finalizers

It is sometimes useful to run code at startup and shutdown. Static initializers and finalizers are regular functions annotated with @init and @finalizer that are run at startup and shutdown respectively:

fn void run_at_startup() @init
// Run at startup
fn void run_at_shutdown() @finalizer

Note that invoking @finalizer is a best effort attempt by the OS and may not be called during abnormal shutdown.

Changing priority of static initializers and finalizers

It is possible to provide an argument to the attributes to set the actual priority. It is recommended that programs use a priority of 1024 or higher. The higher the value, the later it will be called. The lowest priority is 65535.

// Print "Hello World" at startup.
fn void start_world() @init(3000)
fn void start_hello() @init(2000)
io::print("Hello ");