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Expressions work like in C, with one exception: it is possible to take the address of a temporary. This uses the operator && rather than &.

Consequently, this is valid:

fn void test(int* x) { ... }
// In C:
// int x = 1;
// test(&x);

Well-defined evaluation order

Expressions have a well-defined evaluation order:

  1. Binary expressions are evaluated from left to right.
  2. Assignment occurs right to left, so a = a++ would result in a being unchanged.
  3. Call arguments are evaluated in parameter order.

Compound literals

C3 has C’s compound literals, but unlike C’s cast style syntax (MyStruct) { 1, 2 }, it uses C++ syntax: MyStruct { 1, 2 }.

struct Foo
int a;
double b;
fn void test1(Foo x) { ... }
test1(Foo { 1, 2.0 });

Arrays follow the same syntax:

fn void test2(int[3] x) { ... }
test2(int[3] { 1, 2, 3 });

Note that when it’s possible, inferring the type is allowed, so we have for the above examples:

test1({ 1, 2.0 });
test2({ 1, 2, 3 });

One may take the address of temporaries, using && (rather than & for normal variables). This allows the following:

Passing a slice

fn void test(int[] y) { ... }
// Using &&
test(&&int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 });
// Explicitly slicing:
test(int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 }[..]);
// Using a slice directly as a temporary:
test(int[]{ 1, 2, 3 });
// Same as above but with inferred type:
test({ 1, 2, 3 });

Passing the pointer to an array

fn void test1(int[3]* z) { ... }
fn void test2(int* z) { ... }
test1(&&int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 });
test2(&&int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 });

Constant expressions

In C3 all constant expressions are guaranteed to be calculated at compile time. The following are considered constant expressions:

  1. The null literal.
  2. Boolean, floating point and integer literals.
  3. The result of arithmetics on constant expressions.
  4. Compile time variables (prefixed with $)
  5. Global constant variables with initializers that are constant expressions.
  6. The result of macros that does not generate code and only uses constant expressions.
  7. The result of a cast if the value is cast to a boolean, floating point or integer type and the value that is converted is a constant expression.
  8. String literals.
  9. Initializer lists containing constant values.

Some things that are not constant expressions:

  1. Any pointer that isn’t the null literal, even if it’s derived from a constant expression.
  2. The result of a cast except for casts of constant expressions to a numeric type.
  3. Compound literals - even when values are constant expressions.

Including binary data

The $embed(...) function includes the contents of a file into the compilation as a constant array of bytes:

char[*] my_image = $embed("my_image.png");

The result of an embed work similar to a string literal and can implicitly convert to a char*, void*, char[], char[*] and String.

Limiting length

It’s possible to limit the length of included with the optional second parameter.

char[4] my_data = $embed("foo.txt", 4);
Failure to load at compile time and defaults

Usually it’s a compile time error if the file can’t be included, but sometimes it’s useful to only optionally include it. If this is desired, declare the left hand side an Optional:

char[]! my_image = $embed("my_image.png");

my_image with be an optional IoError.FILE_NOT_FOUND? if the image is missing.

This also allows us to pass a default value using ??:

char[] my_image = $embed("my_image.png") ?? DEFAULT_IMAGE_DATA;