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C3 For C Programmers


This is intended for existing C programmers.

This primer is intended as a guide to how the C syntax – and in some cases C semantics – is different in C3. It is intended to help you take a piece of C code and understand how it can be converted manually to C3.

Struct, Enum And Union Declarations

Don’t add a ; after enum, struct and union declarations, and note the slightly different syntax for declaring a named struct inside of a struct.

// C
typedef struct
int a;
double x;
} bar;
} Foo;
// C3
struct Foo
int a;
struct bar
double x;

Also, user defined types are used without a struct, union or enum keyword, as if the name was a C typedef.


Array sizes are written next to the type and arrays do not decay to pointers, you need to do it manually:

// C
int x[2] = { 1, 2 };
int *y = x;
// C3
int[2] x = { 1, 2 };
int* y = &x;

You will probably prefer slices to pointers when passing data around:

// C
int x[100] = ...;
int y[30] = ...;
int z[15] = ...;
sort_my_array(x, 100);
sort_my_array(y, 30);
// Sort part of the array!
sort_my_array(z + 1, 10);
// C3
int[100] x = ...;
int[30] y = ...;
sort_my_array(&x); // Implicit conversion from int[100]* -> int[]
sort_my_array(&y); // Implicit conversion from int[30]* -> int[]
sort_my_array(z[1..10]); // Inclusive ranges!

Note that declaring an array of inferred size will look different in C3:

// C
int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; // x is int[3]
// C3
int[*] x = { 1, 2, 3 }; // x is int[3]

Arrays are trivially copyable:

// C
int x[3] = ...;
int y[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) y[i] = x[i];
// C3
int[3] x = ...;
int[3] y = x;

Find out more about arrays.

Undefined Behaviour

C3 has less undefined behaviour, in particular integers are defined as using 2s complement and signed overflow is wrapping. Find out more about undefined behaviour.


Functions are declared like C, but you need to put fn in front:

// C:
int foo(Foo *b, int x, void *z) { ... }
// C3
fn int foo(Foo* b, int x, void* z) { ... }

Find out more more about functions, including named arguments and default arguments.

Calling C Functions

Declare a function (or variable) with extern and it will be possible to access it from C3:

// To access puts:
extern fn int puts(char*);
puts("Hello world");

Note that currently only the C standard library is automatically passed to the linker. In order to link with other libraries, you need to explicitly tell the compiler to link them.

If you want to use a different identifier inside of your C3 code compared to the function or variable’s external name, use the @extern attribute:

extern fn int _puts(char* message) @extern("puts");
_puts("Hello world"); // <- calls the puts function in libc


Name standards are enforced:

// Starting with uppercase and followed somewhere by at least
// one lower case is a user defined type:
Foo x;
M____y y;
// Starting with lowercase is a variable or a function or a member name:
x.myval = 1;
int z = 123;
fn void fooBar(int x) { ... }
// Only upper case is a constant or an enum value:
const int FOOBAR = 123;
enum Test

Variable Declaration

Multiple declarations together with initialization isn’t allowed in C3:

// C
int a, b = 4; // Not allowed in C3
// C3
int a;
int b = 4;

In C3, variables are always zero initialized, unless you explicitly opt out using @noinit:

// C
int a = 0;
int b;
// C3
int a;
int b @noinit;

Compound Literals

Compound literals use C++ style brace initialization, not cast style like in C. For convenience, assigning to a struct will infer the type even if it’s not an initializer.

// C
Foo f = { 1, 2 };
f = (Foo) { 1, 2 };
callFoo((Foo) { 2, 3 });
// C3
Foo f = { 1, 2 };
f = { 1, 2 };
callFoo(Foo{ 2, 3 });

typedef and #define becomes ‘def’

typedef is replaced by def:

// C
typedef Foo* FooPtr;
// C3
def FooPtr = Foo*;

def also allows you to do things that C uses #define for:

// C
#define println puts
#define my_excellent_string my_string
char *my_string = "Party on";
// C3
def println = puts;
def my_excellent_string = my_string;
char* my_string = "Party on";

Find out more about def.

Basic Types

Several C types that would be variable sized are fixed size, and others changed names:

// C
int16_t a;
int32_t b;
int64_t c;
uint64_t d;
size_t e;
ssize_t f;
ptrdiff_t g;
intptr_t h;
// C3
short a; // Guaranteed 16 bits
int b; // Guaranteed 32 bits
long c; // Guaranteed 64 bits
ulong d; // Guaranteed 64 bits
int128 e; // Guaranteed 128 bits
uint128 f; // Guaranteed 128 bits
usz g; // Same as C size_t, depends on target
isz h; // Same as C ptrdiff_t
iptr i; // Same as intptr_t depends on target
uptr j; // Same as uintptr_t depends on target

Find out more about types.

Modules And Import Instead Of #include

Declaring the module name is not mandatory, but if you leave it out the file name will be used as the module name. Imports are recursive.

module otherlib::foo;
fn void test() { ... }
struct FooStruct { ... }
module mylib::bar;
import otherlib;
fn void myCheck()
foo::test(); // foo prefix is mandatory.
mylib::foo::test(); // This also works;
FooStruct x; // But user defined types don't need the prefix.
otherlib::foo::FooStruct y; // But it is allowed.


The /* */ comments are nesting

/* This /* will all */ be commented out */

Note that doc comments, starting with /** has special rules for parsing it, and is not considered a regular comment. Find out more about contracts.

Type Qualifiers

Qualifiers like const and volatile are removed, but const before a constant will make it treated as a compile time constant. The constant does not need to be typed.

const A = false;
// Compile time
$if A:
// This will not be compiled
// This will be compiled

volatile is replaced by macros for volatile load and store.

goto Removed

goto is removed, but there is labelled break and continue as well as defer to handle the cases when it is commonly used in C.

// C
Foo *foo = malloc(sizeof(Foo));
if (tryFoo(foo)) goto FAIL;
if (modifyFoo(foo)) goto FAIL;
return true;
return false;
// C3, direct translation:
do FAIL:
Foo *foo = malloc(sizeof(Foo));
if (tryFoo(foo)) break FAIL;
if (modifyFoo(foo)) break FAIL;
return true;
return false;
// C3, using defer:
Foo *foo = malloc(Foo);
defer free(foo);
if (tryFoo(foo)) return false;
if (modifyFoo(foo)) return false;
return true;

Changes To switch

  • case statements automatically break.
  • Use nextcase to fallthrough to the next statement.
  • Empty case statements have implicit fallthrough.

For example:

// C
switch (a)
case 1: // Implicit fall-through
case 2:
break; // Explicit break
case 3:
i = 0; // Implicit fall-through
case 4:
break; // Explicit break
case 5:
doFive(); // Implicit fall-through
return false;
// C3
switch (a)
case 1: // Empty case implicit fall-through
case 2:
doOne(); // Automatic break
case 3:
i = 0;
nextcase; // Explicit fall-through
case 4:
doFour(); // Automatic break
case 5:
nextcase; // Explicit fall-through
return false;

We can jump to an arbitrary switch-case label in C3:

// C
switch (a)
case 1:
goto LABEL3;
case 2:
case 3:
return false;
// C3
switch (a)
case 1:
nextcase 3;
case 2:
case 3:
return false;

Bitfields Are Replaced By Explicit Bitstructs

A bitstruct has an explicit container type, and each field has an exact bit range.

bitstruct Foo : short
int a : 0..2; // Exact bit ranges, bits 0-2
uint b : 3..6;
MyEnum c : 7..13;

There exists a simplified form for a bitstruct containing only booleans, it is the same except the ranges are left out:

struct Flags : char
bool has_hyperdrive;
bool has_tractorbeam;
bool has_plasmatorpedoes;

For more information see the section on bitstructs.

Other Changes

The following things are enhancements to C, that don’t have an equivalent in C.

For the full list of all new features see the feature list.

Finally, the FAQ answers many questions you might have as you start out.