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Standard Library

The standard library is currently in development, so frequent changes will occur. Note that all std::core modules and sub modules are implicitly imported.


All functions and macros in this library can be used without path qualifiers.

void panic(char* message, char *file, char *function, uint line)

Default function called when the asserts fails.

void @swap(&a, &b)

Swap values in a and b.

int a = 3;
int b = 5;
@swap(a, b);
io::printfn("%d", a); // Prints 5

anycast(any v, $Type)

Optionally cast the value v to type $Type* on failure returns CastResult.TYPE_MISMATCH.

int b;
any a = &b;
float*! c = anycast(a, float); // Will return TYPE_MISMATCH
int*! d = anycast(a, int); // Works!

void unreachable($string = “Unreachable statement reached.”)

Mark a code path as unreachable.

switch (x)
case 0:
case 1:
// Should never happen.
unreachable("x should have been 0 or 1");

On safe mode this will throw a runtime panic when reached. For release mode the compiler will assume this case never happens.

bitcast(value, $Type)

Do a bitcast of a value to $Type, requires that the types are of the same memory size.

float x = 1.0;
int y = bitcast(x, int); // y = 0x3f800000

enum_by_name($Type, enum_name)

Optionally returns the enum value with the given name. $Type must be an enum. Returns SearchResult.MISSING on failure.

enum Foo { ABC, CDE, EFG }
fn void! test()
Foo f = enum_by_name(Foo, "CDE")!;
// same as Foo f = Foo.CDE;

void @scope(&variable; @body)

Scopes a variable:

int a = 3;
a = 4;
// Prints a = 3
io::printfn("a = %d", a, b);

less, greater, less_eq, greater_eq, equals

All macros take two values and compare them. Any type implementing Type.less or Type.compare_to may be compared (or if the type implements <). Types implementing Type.equals may use equals even if neither less nor compare_to are implemented.


  • IteratorResult returned when reaching the end of an iterator.
  • SearchResult used when a search fails.
  • CastResult when an anycast fails.



  • OS_TYPE the OS type compiled for.
  • COMPILER_OPT_LEVEL the optimization level used.
  • I128_SUPPORT true if int128 support is available.
  • COMPILER_SAFE_MODE true if compiled with safety checks.


malloc, malloc_checked, malloc_aligned

Allocate the given number of bytes. malloc will panic on out of memory, whereas malloc_checked and malloc_aligned returns an optional value. malloc_aligned adds an alignment, which must be a power of 2. Any pointer allocated using malloc_aligned must be freed using free_aligned rather the normal free or memory corruption may result.

char* data = malloc(8);
char*! data2 = malloc_checked(8);
int[<16>]*! data3 = malloc_aligned(16 * int.sizeof), 128);

new($Type, #initializer), new_aligned($Type, #initializer)

This allocates a single element of $Type, returning the pointer. An optional initializer may be added, which immediately initializes the value to that of the initializer.

If no initializer is provided, it is zero initialized. new_aligned works the same but for overaligned types, such allocations must be freed using free_aligned

int* a = mem::new(int);
Foo* foo = mem::new(Foo, { 1, 2 });

alloc($Type), alloc_aligned($Type)

Allocates a single element of $Type, same as new, but without initializing the data.

new_array($Type, usz elements), new_array_aligned($Type, usz elements)

Allocates a slice of elements number of elements, returning a slice of the given length. Elements are zero initialized. new_array_aligned is used for types that exceed standard alignment.

int[] ints = mem::new_array(int, 100); // Allocated int[100] on the heap, zero initialized.

alloc_array($Type, usz elements), alloc_array_aligned($Type, usz elements)

Same as new_array but without initialization.

calloc, calloc_checked, calloc_aligned

Identical to the malloc variants, except the data is guaranteed to be zeroed out.

relloc, relloc_checked, realloc_aligned

Resizes memory allocated using malloc or calloc. Any extra data is guaranteed to be zeroed out. realloc_aligned can only be used with pointers created using calloc_aligned or alloc_aligned.

free, free_aligned

Frees memory allocated using malloc or calloc. Any memory allocated using “_aligned” variants must be freed using free_aligned.

@scoped(Allocator* allocator; @body())

Swaps the current memory allocator for the duration of the call.

DynamicArenaAllocator dynamic_arena;
// This allocation uses the dynamic arena
Foo* f = malloc(Foo);
// Release any dynamic arena memory.

@tscoped(; @body())

Same as @scoped, but uses the temporary allocator rather than any arbitrary allocator.

void* tmalloc(usz size, usz alignment = 0)

Allocates memory using the temporary allocator. Panic on failure. It has type variants similar to malloc, so tmalloc(Type) would create a Type* using the temporary allocator.

void* tcalloc(usz size, usz alignment = 0)

Same as tmalloc but clears the memory.

void* trealloc(void* ptr, usz size, usz alignment = 0)

realloc but on memory received using tcalloc or tmalloc.

temp_new, temp_alloc, temp_new_array, temp_alloc_array

Same as the new, alloc, new_array and alloc_array respectively.

void @pool(;@body)

Opens a temporary memory scope.

// This allocation uses the dynamic arena
Foo* f = tmalloc(Foo);


Returns the value in x using a volatile load.

// Both loads will always happen:
int y = @volatile_load(my_global);
y = @volatile_load(my_global);

@volatile_store(&x, y)

Store the value y in x using a volatile store.

// Both stores will always happen:
@volatile_store(y, 1);
@volatile_store(y, 1);

usz aligned_offset(usz offset, usz alignment)

Returns an aligned size based on the current offset. The alignment must be a power of two. E.g. mem::aligned_offset(17, 8) would return 24

usz aligned_pointer(void* ptr, usz alignment)

Returns a pointer aligned to the given alignment, using aligned_offset.

bool ptr_is_aligned(void* ptr, usz alignment)

Return true if the pointer is aligned, false otherwise.

void copy(void* dst, void* src, usz len, usz $dst_align = 0, usz $src_align = 0, bool $is_volatile = false)

Copies bytes from one pointer to another. It may optionally be set as volatile, in which case the copy may not be optimized away. Furthermore the source and destination alignment may be used.

Foo* f = tmalloc(data_size);
mem::copy(f, slice.ptr, size);

void set(void* dst, char val, usz len, usz $dst_align = 0, bool $is_volatile = false)

Sets bytes to a value. This operation may be aligned and/or volatile. See the copy method.

void clear(void* dst, usz len, usz $dst_align = 0, bool $is_volatile = false)

Sets bytes to zero. This operation may be aligned and/or volatile. See the copy method.


Makes a shallow copy of a value using the regular allocator.

Foo f = ...
return @clone(f);


Same as @clone but uses the temporary allocator.


bool is_comparable($Type)

Return true if the type can be used with comparison operators.

bool is_equatable_value(value)

Return true if the value can be compared using the equals macro.

bool is_equatable_value(value)

Return true if the value can be compared using the comparison macros.

kind_is_int(TypeKind kind)

any_to_int(any* v, $Type)

Returns an optional value of $Type if the any value losslessly may be converted into the given type. Returns a ConversionResult otherwise.

any* v = &&128;
short y = any_to_int(v, short)!!; // Works
ichar z = any_to_int(v, ichar)!!; // Panics VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE


usz! char32_to_utf8(Char32 c, char* output, usz available)

Convert a UTF32 codepoint to an UTF8 buffer. size has the number of writable bytes left. It returns the number of bytes used, or UnicodeResult.CONVERSION_FAILED if the buffer is too small.

void char32_to_utf16_unsafe(Char32 c, Char16** output)

Convert a UTF32 codepoint to an UTF16 buffer without bounds checking, moving the output pointer 1 or 2 steps.


String! readline(stream = io::stdin(), Allocator allocator = allocator::heap())

Read from a stream (default is stdin) to the next “\n” or to the end of the stream, whatever comes first.

\r will be filtered from the String.

String! treadline(stream = io::stdin())

Same as readline but uses the temporary allocator.

void print(x), void printn(x = "")

Print any value to stdout.

The printn variant appends a newline.

void eprint(x), void eprintn(x)

Print any value to stderr.

The eprintn variant appends a newline.

usz! printf(String format, args…) @maydiscard

Regular printf functionality: %s, %x, %d, %f and %p are supported.

Will also print enums and vectors.

Also available as printfn which appends a newline.

eprintf and its matching function eprintfn print to stderr.

char[]! bprintf(char[] buffer, String format, args…) @maydiscard

Prints using a ‘printf’-style formatting string, to a string buffer.

Returns a slice of the buffer argument with the resulting length.

usz! fprint(out, x), usz! fprintn(out, x = "")

Print a value to a stream. out must implement OutStream. The fprintn variant appends a newline.

usz! fprintf(OutStream out, String format, args…)

Prints to the specified OutStream using a ‘printf’-style formatting string.

Returns the number of characters printed.

fprintfn appends a newline.

void putchar(char c) @inline

Libc putchar, prints a single character to stdout.

usz! DString.appendf(DString* str, String format, args…) @maydiscard

Same as printf but on dynamic strings.

File* stdout(), File* stdin(), File* stderr()

Return stdout, stdin and stderr respectively.


File! open(String filename, String mode)

Open a file with the given file name with the given mode (r, w etc)

File! open_path(Path path, String mode)

Open a file pointed to by a Path struct, with the given mode.

bool is_file(String path)

See whether the given path is a file.

usz! get_size(String path)

Get the size of a file.

void! delete(String filename)

Delete a file.

void! File.reopen(&self, String filename, String mode)

Reopen a file with a new filename and mode.

usz!, isz offset, Seek seek_mode = Seek.SET)

Seek in a file. Based on the libc function.

void! File.write_byte(&self, char c) @dynamic

Write a single byte to a file.

void! File.close(&self) @inline @dynamic

Close a file, based on the libc function.

bool File.eof(&self) @inline

True if EOF has been reached. Based on the libc function.

usz!, char[] buffer)

Read into a buffer, based on the libc function.

usz! File.write(&self, char[] buffer)

Write to a buffer, based on the libc function.

char! File.read_byte(&self) @dynamic

Read a single byte from a file.

char[]! load_buffer(String filename, char[] buffer)

Load up to buffer.len characters into the buffer.

Returns IoError.OVERFLOW if the file is longer than the buffer.

char[]! load_new(String filename, Allocator allocator = allocator::heap())

Load the entire file into a new buffer.

char[]! load_temp(String filename)

Load the entire file into a buffer allocated using the temporary allocator.

void! File.flush(&self) @dynamic

Flush a file, based on the libc function.


Generic list module, elements are of Type.

import std::collections::list;
def MyIntList = List(<int>);
MyIntList list;

List.push(List *list, Type element), append(…)

Append a single value to the list.

Type List.pop(List* list)

Removes and returns the last entry in the list.

Type List.pop_first(List *list)

Removes the first entry in the list.

void List.remove_at(List *list, usz index)

Removes the entry at index.

void List.insert_at(List *list, usz index, Type type)

Inserts a value at index.

void List.push_front(List *list, Type type)

Inserts a value to the front of the list.

void List.remove_last(List* list)

Remove the last value of the list.

void List.remove_first(List *list)

Remove the first element in the list.

Type* List.first(List* list)

Return the first element in the list if available.

Type* List.last(List *list)

Return the last element in the list if available.

List.is_empty(List *list)

Return true if the list is empty.

usz List.len(List *list)

Return the number of elements in the list.

Type List.get(List *list, usz index)

Return the value at index.

void *list)

Free all memory associated with this list.

void List.swap(List *list, usz i, usz j)

Swap two elements in the list.